Ava with her buddy, Penny. They were born 17 hours apart.

Ava.... not doing much but she sure looks cute doing it!
Olivia snuggling with her buddy, CJ.

We'd been telling Olivia for weeks that the pool had gotten too cold to go swimming. She wanted to test it for herself. Much to our suprise she said it was just fine. After these pictures were taken we let her swim for awhile and when she got out, her lips were a light shade of blue. She did not ask to get in the pool again!

Ava and I enjoyed some time at a local park with some of our friends.
Ava loves to draw!
Playing at the Hoppin Hippo is one of our favorite things to do when the weather gets cold!
Ava and Olivia helped Daddy make egg-salad.

Who says new carseats are a boring gift? They played for an hour with the boxes and the seats sitting on the living room floor!
Poor April was a hostage in this picture. But, at least Olivia gave her a blanket and a flashlight. She's a kind captor. :-)